Functional cookies are absolutely necessary for the functionality of the web shop. These cookies assign a unique random ID to your browser so that your unhindered shopping experience can be guaranteed over several page views.
Mollie Payment (_dd_s):
This cookie is used to group all events generated from a unique user session across multiple checkout pages.
Ablyft (ablyft_uvs):
Is set on the first pagewview and update with every further page view of a visitor
Ablyft (ablyft_queue):
Is set when a visitor triggers an event/destination. After the event has been sent to ABlyft, it is deleted again.
Ablyft (ablyft_exps):
Set and updated when a visitor is assigned to an experiment/variation.
Ablyft (ablyft_tracking_consent):
Is set when enableTrackingConsent or disableTrackingConsent is triggered via the API.
Ablyft (ablyft_tgoals):
Is set and updated when a visitor triggers an event/destination.
Ablyft (ablyft_session_check):
Is set at the beginning of each visitor session.
Ablyft (ablyft_redirect):
Is set when a diversion is carried out
Cookie settings:
The cookie is used to store the cookie settings of the site user over several browser sessions.
The cookie is used to provide the system with the user's current time zone.
Payment provider (Stripe) fraud prevention:
This cookie is necessary to carry out credit card transactions on the website. The service is provided by, which enables online transactions without storing credit card information.
Payment provider (Stripe) session
Payment provider (Stripe) fraud prevention:
This cookie is necessary to carry out credit card transactions on the website. The service is provided by, which enables online transactions without storing credit card information.
Information on origin:
The cookie stores the referrer and the first page visited by the user for further use.
Activated cookies:
Saves which cookies have already been accepted by the user for the first time.
The cookie is used by the payment provider to increase security when processing payments on the website.
IP targeting detected country:
Saves the country recognised on the basis of the IP address so that it can be preselected in forms.
Payment provider (Stripe) session
IP Targeting and Language Detection:
Saves the detection of the browser language and the assigned country based on the ip address.
The session cookie stores your shopping data over several page views and is therefore essential for your personal shopping experience.
Cache handling:
The cookie is used to differentiate the cache for different scenarios and page users.
CSRF token:
The CSRF token cookie contributes to your security. It strengthens the security of forms against unwanted hacker attacks.